Integrating the ROE for Case Conceptualization
A discussion on the Process-Based Therapy Listserv
Over the past year I have been working on a way of integrating the ROE and HDML from updated RFT into the ACT Matrix as a method of case conceptualization. I’ve gotten a fair bit of the way there but it’s still very much a work in progress. (I unveiled the beginning stages of this in one of my webinars on RFT, and I walk people through the process in my private consultations, as of right now that’s the only way to learn how to do it. Soon I’ll create a more in-depth training.)
If you are a member of ACBS there is a listserv for people interested in Process-Based Therapy, and there has been a discussion between Myself, Tom Szabo, and Lou Lasprugato regarding integrating RFT, ROE, HDML into the matrix.
I posted my examples of the work I’ve done so far, and Lou was kind enough to try it out on his end and came up with a great version with a client. If you are interested in the latest developments to RFT and how to integrate them into the matrix I’d encourage you to read the conversation, which you can find by clicking here.
Respectfully Submitted,
Jacob Martinez // Through the ACT Matrix